
Posts Tagged ‘stethescope’

Self knowledge game

April 27, 2009 6 comments

I went to play with a sub the other night. I thought I would share a game we played.

The goal was that he would be able to give me some warning about when the position I put his body in was going to get to be too much. This is so that I can have enough time to untie the ropes, remove a glass from his back, whatever it is. I would like to do things calmly, not hurried.

So basically the rules are, I give him a difficult position, and he tells me when he has x time left. For example when he thinks he has 30 seconds, or two minutes.

To this I also added a touch suggest by Shaitan, of putting a stethoscope in his ears and getting him to listen to his heart beat also. While Shaitan’s idea was more sensory deprivation, this was for the “know thyself” effect of paying attention to what your body is going through. Here is how I rigged up the stethoscope, with a breast harness and some skewers:

this is wear my heart is

this is wear my heart is

(Somebody provide me with a real camera and a model: I promise not to just post pictures of myself forever. But this is what I am working with for now!)

I couldn’t think of many good positions so we just played twice. I don’t really know what to look for for further inspiration. Maybe yoga? I think next time I will change the rules so that the position must be kept still, not to the point where you fall down after struggling and writhing for a bit. Though that was cute.