
Posts Tagged ‘dying’

No more white rope!

April 22, 2009 Leave a comment

Well I was sick and tired of all my rope being white.  I find white to be one of the most unappealing of all colours.  So I thught about a colour to dye them.  I considered that the dye may not take too well, and that it might fade.  I decided on brown because it matches lots of other colours, plus really any shade of brown is better than white, so no matter how it turned out it would be better.

BTW this is 100% nylon twisted 6mm rope, the hardware store kind.

Bought 2 packages of chocolate brown dye

Bought 2 packages of chocolate brown dye

Cooking the rope, a few minutes in.  Looks good!

Cooking the rope, a few minutes in. Looks good!

I start to notice a bit of green coming through at the ends of the rope.  If I knew then what I know now I would have pulled it out right then and there!

I start to notice a bit of green coming through at the ends of the rope. If I knew then what I know now I would have pulled it out right then and there!

But since I didn't, I have now 200ft of bright green rope

But since I didn't, I have now 200ft of bright green rope

Well it’s certainly unique!

This is what I get for being impatient and not testing.  tsk tsk tsk! Lesson learned!

Maybe I can dye it red on top?  That might make brown, but potentially a really ugly brown.  Hmmmm

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